Our operating days will be the following:
Themed Evenings:
Lunch time service:
Friday 21st March closed
Friday 28th March closed
Friday 11th April closed
Friday 18th April closed
Evening service
Thursday 20th March closed
Thursday 27th March closed
Thursday 10th April closed
Thursday 17th April closed
Thursday evening 22nd May closed
Please note, the restaurant will be closed until 27th February
Due to the redevelopment work which started this summer, our Weybridge Campus is currently going through change. The restaurant is currently still in the same location, so when turning off Heath Road, continue down the drive to the security hut and follow the signs to Brooks Restaurant and park where signposted.
When entering the Restaurant please use the main front doors only. Customers are not permitted to park at the rear of the catering block or access the building this way.
On Friday lunchtimes, there will be limited parking on-site, please use public transport where possible and complete the booking form below to reserve a parking space.
Thank you for your continued support as we create the new Brooklands Technical College, a purpose built, secure and attractive learning environment focused on a central quad with greatly enhanced student facilities.
We look forward to welcoming you all soon.
Booking in advance is essential and informing us about your dietary/special requirements can only improve your time spent with us. To make a reservation please fill in the form below or contact us on 01932 797 879 or restaurant@brooklands.ac.uk
Offering national and international cuisine – cooked and prepared by our students and future master chefs
Training Facilities
Students on the catering and hospitality courses gain hands-on experience in the College’s well-equipped kitchens, which provide the opportunity to acquire practical expertise in a realistic working environment and build catering skills.
Students benefit from the tuition of our highly qualified lecturers, all of whom have a wealth of expertise and links within the catering industry. Many of our chefs have worked in top London hotels and restaurants, won national and international awards, and have even cooked for a host of celebrities and royals.
“The food choice on the menu was good and the quality and presentation excellent. The students waiting and serving in the restaurant were at various stages during their training course and many of them showed much promise in being able to deliver good customer service – they engaged positively with customers and were proactive in checking that everything was in order. The atmosphere was relaxed and positive and it was an all round very enjoyable experience. Well done everyone working at Brooks today!”
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Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus
Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT
Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus
Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU