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Course Detail | Brooklands College

L1 Diploma in Hairdressing and Beauty 14-16

This course is specifically for Y11 students

If you enjoy making people look and feel good then this is the career for you. This is a one year course that will include both practical and theory work in both Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy

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Foundation Pathways
Subject Area: 14-16 School Programme / Beauty Therapy / Hairdressing
Suitable for: School Leavers
Campus: Ashford
Ref: HB02410

About this course


This is a one year course that will include both practical and theory work. During the course you will also be enrolled onto the tutorial, enrichment programme, 3 functional skills, and a personal and social development programme that will prepare you for work within the beauty industry.

Students will be expected to wear a uniform and present themselves in a professional manner as practical work will be assessed in our commercial on-site Salon, Inspire Hair and Beauty Academy You will need to work in a commercial salon for one day per week and the college may be able to assist in finding you a suitable work placement.


Where will I be studying?

Brooklands College has specialist facilities for hair and beauty courses, linked to the Brooks Hair & Beauty Salon at both Ashford and Weybridge.  Our new facilities at Ashford are state of the art with a commercial salon based in the high street, giving the learners a real life working experience.

You will also have the opportunity to take part in competitions and all students are expected to wear uniforms and present themselves in a professional manner.

Course Details

What modules are covered?

Study will include facials, manicure, pedicure, preparation of the work area for Level 2 treatments and basic anatomy and physiology.

Who is the course suitable for?

Year 11 students as well as 16-19 year olds who wish to enter the professional world of the hair and beauty industry.

How is the course assessed?

You will be assessed on the a small number of Hairdressing units such as blow-drying, shampooing & plaiting and twisting hair. 

Are there any extra costs?

Uniform is mandatory.

Visits may include:  professional exhibitions, an international visit and a chance to take part in competitions and suppliers product courses.  Students are allocated a certain amount of free printing, after which a small fee will be incurred.

Entry Requirements

What qualifications will I need?

No formal qualifications required. Suitablility for the course will be assessed at interview. It is essential that applicants have a keen interest in the industry and a willingness to learn.

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National Success Hair & Beauty

Level 2 & Level 3 Hairdressing and Theatrical, Special Effects, Hair & Media Make-up students competed at The Blackpool Hairdressing Competitions 2020. Students gained all Top 7 places in the Fantasy category!   Read more

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Brooklands Technical College
Weybridge Campus

Heath Road, Weybridge, Surrey KT13 8TT

Brooklands Technical College
Ashford Campus

Stanwell Road, Ashford TW15 3DU