8 – Hair & Beauty Kit and Uniform

Please see the Hair & Beauty Kit and Uniform required for this course.

See List

9. Safeguarding

The Safeguarding Team will be available at enrolment to meet any applicants at enrolment if any the following criteria apply.

  • Anyone who was known to Safeguarding Team at school
  • Anyone who has poor Mental Health / Anxiety
  • Anyone who has a social worker working with family.
  • Anyone who has not been in school (Home schooled)
  • Anyone who is Looked After Child (in care of local authority ) or Care Leavers
  • Young Carers
  • Anyone living with someone other than parents – Foster carers / SGO / other family
  • Anyone working with external services – CAMHS / Targeted Youth Support / Police/ Any other support worker/ East to West
  • Anyone with a criminal record
  • Anyone who would like to speak to Safeguarding Team.

5. Construction Kit List

Please read through the list below and ensure you have everything you need for starting your Construction Course in September.


Construction Kit List

4. Catering & Hospitality Uniform & Kit List

Please find below kit lists and order forms for equipment and clothing for our Catering & Hospitality students. You will also find a kit list for Level 2 and 3 progression students.

Please ensure you have the correct clothing and equipment for starting in September.


Catering & Hospitality Kit List
Hospitality Unform List
Progressing Students Kit List

6. Engineering Kit List

Please find below information needed for students joining one of our Engineering Courses. Please read the kit list and ensure you have everything you need for starting in September.


Engineering Kit List

2. Art & Design Equipment List

Please see the attached information for Art & Design equipment needed. Please read and ensure you have all the equipment when you start the course in September.

Art & Design Equipment Info

1. Student Enrolment Check List

Please download the Student Check List below and read. Please ensure you bring everything you need on Enrolment Day. We cannot complete enrolment if you do not have the correct documents.


Enrolment Check List